While previous versions of Word let you save a document as a PDF, Word 2013 allows you to open an Adobe formatted file, modify it and then resave it back to the PDF format without using Acrobat. Microsoft calls this new feature PDF Reflow, and here we’ll show how it works with a file containing text and an image.
HOW ? Lets See,:-
Open PDFs
Open Word 2013. Select File > Open, then Browse to the folder that contains your PDFs. Select a file and click the Open button. Notice the selected file appears in the View window on the right. For this example, select a file with text and graphics.
Microsoft suggests that text documents transfer and reflow better than documents heavily laden with charts and graphics, tags, bookmarks, footnotes, and/or track changes. These additional text blocks often land in the middle of paragraphs or tagged on to the end. Be aware of these limitations so you can plan for the outcome and make adjustments as needed.
Many of the layout attributes, however, are compatible and transfer from the PDF directly into Word with no problems. For example, the following image is a copy of the original PDF we opened in Word 2013.
Modify PDFs in Word
You can easily add new paragraphs and edit and delete data, and the document reformats automatically as you type. You can even remove, replace, or reposition the graphics, and the text-wrap feature re-wraps the paragraphs around the image at its new location. You can also change the page size, the margins, the line spacing, the font and font size plus all the font attributes, and much more.
In the “edited” version of this document, the font and font size in the title, subtitle, first, and last paragraphs were all changed. In addition, the yellow paragraph was added and the image was moved from top right to bottom left, all without any problems.
The real benefit for everyone else is the convenience of copying data from one document to another that previously originated within incompatible file formats. PDFs are smaller, easier to email, and much more efficient for printing because the format is portable, therefore, all the necessary elements to produce the finished product are collected into a single file.
The downside of Word’s Reflow feature is that some companies use the PDF format to ensure some measure of copyright protection on the documents they distribute. There is a solution for these groups as well. Password-protect the document in Acrobat for Read Only, so the file cannot be copied or converted.
Save or export to PDF
Once the document is altered to your satisfaction, choose File > SaveAs, navigate to the appropriate folder, then choose PDF from the Save as Type dropdown list.
Repairing errors
If you find errors in the republished/resaved PDF documents, you may have to go back and reformat the pages. Text will likely re-flow with no problems, but the graphics using text-wrap may disrupt the text flow. If that happens, break up the paragraphs so that one text box ends before the image, then another, new text box begins again after the image. Once that’s accomplished, hard-code the position of the graphic box.
Right click the image, choose Wrap Text>More Layout Options, and the following screen appears:
Once these decisions are settled, repeat the steps above to re-save or re-export the file to a new PDF.
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